Rue du Bugnon 9, CH-1005, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
+41 21 692 51 06 (Prof. J-Y. Chatton, Coordinator)
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Tag: rules

CIF complete rules and guidelines (2018)

1. Access 1.1. The CIF is accessible to any research groups from the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of Hospices/CHUV or UNIL. Depending on the capacity, external institutions, including private companies, will be able to use the CIF after a discussion with the CIF coordinator about the access conditions and the timetable.1.2. Each person who…
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Booking modification or cancelling

Procedure Once a booking is placed, users cannot edit, move or delete the bookings themselves. If you need to modify a booking, please notify the respective manager for each campus: Campus Contact AGORA Luigi Bozzo ( BUGNON Luigi Bozzo ( or Yannick Krempp ( DORIGNY Arnaud Paradis ( EPALINGES Florence Morgenthaler ( In case of…
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Prices are currently not available online If you want to have access to the list of prices, you can contact the FBM’s service de facturation at

Billing – General information

The billing process The CIF collects all the booking information for each users. The CIF sends the list of every services each trimester to the service de facturation. The CIF is not in charge of producing the actual invoice. It is the FBM’s service de facturation that is in charge of printing and sending the…
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ATHENA File Server storage policy

Purpose The ATHENA file server is built to be a temporary repository for your files acquired with our instruments. Its main purpose is to facilitate the transfer between acquisition devices, analysis and processing workstations, and the user’s own final storage destination whether its a remote share, a mobile hard drive or any other means. Security…
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Booking Policies

Excerpt from the CIF usage and guidelines Reservation 2.1. Booking of setups is made online using a webpage calendar. Each user has to type its own login and password to access this page. This record log will then be used for billing (see part 3). 2.2. Any use of the setups must be booked in…
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