Registration forms for the CIF platform
Guides and Manuals
Documents written by the CIF staff or official manuals to operate our instruments.
CIF Guides
How to correctly setup the Airyscan mode on Zeiss confocals for super-resolution. Written by Yannick Krempp
Short user manual written by Yannick Krempp
Short user manual written by Yannick Krempp
How to correctly setup multitrack channels using Zen on Zeiss confocals [710-780-880 series].
Written by Yannick Krempp
Short user manual written by Yannick Krempp
Official Manuals
Free Software
Free versions of commercial software and open-source packages used for image processing and analysis.
Commercial Packages
Brand | Software | OS | Download page |
Zeiss | Zen Lite | Zen Blue Edition 3.1 | Windows | |
Leica | LAS X Core Offline | Windows | |
Nikon | NIS Elements Viewer | Windows, Mac OS X | |
Hammamatsu | NDP.View2 | Windows, Mac OS X | (Scroll down for links) |
Various (Adobe, Microsoft, Matlab,…) for academic UNIL users only | Creative Cloud, Office, Matlab |
Windows | |
Open-source or Freeware Packages
Author(s) | Software | OS | Download page |
Eliceiri/LOCI group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Jug and Tomancak labs at the MPI-CBG in Dresden. | Fiji (Image J + plugins) |
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux | |
QuPath is developed at the University of Edinburgh. The software was originally created at the Centre for Cancer Research & Cell Biology at Queen’s University Belfast, as part of research projects funded by Invest Northern Ireland and Cancer Research UK. | QuPath | Windows, Mac OS X, Linux | |
The CellProfiler project team is based in the Carpenter Lab at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. The project was started in 2003 by Anne E. Carpenter and Thouis (Ray) Jones in the Sabatini Laboratory (Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research) and Golland laboratory (MIT’s CSAIL) and is actively improved and maintained. | CellProfiler, Cellprofiler Analyst |
Windows, Mac OS X | |
Orbit has been developed at Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd, now Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd by Manuel Stritt. |
Orbit | Windows, Mac OS X, Linux | |
KNIME’s headquarters are based in Zurich, with additional offices in Konstanz, Berlin, and Austin. We’re open for innovation®, so visit us at KNIME. | KNIME Analytics |
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux | |
The CIF platform edits a yearly newsletter. Find here all the previous issues.
Plugins, macros and scripts
Plugins, macros and scripts written in various languages (java, python, macro) for extensible software like Fiji
Workshop-related documents like slides, outlines or samples.
Critical steps and applications for live cell imaging in widefield & spinning disk confocal microscopy
Slides of the presentation given by Luigi Bozzo on the various advanced F-Techniques : FRAP, FCS, FRET, FLIM, principle and application.
Slides of the presentation given by Yannick Krempp on how to use the Huygens remote manager implemented at the CIF to do batch deconvolution.
Slides from the CIF workshop given by Arnaud Paradis on Deconvolution