After a year of hiatus due to COVID, we are delighted to announce the return of the CIF Newsletter. If you’re curious about the latest resources added to the facility, both in terms of instruments or services, head to the download page to get your copy using the link below (scroll down to the newsletter…
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The Zeiss LSM 710 confocal microscope at the Bugnon campus is scheduled for decommission at the end of september 2021. In order to make the transition go as smoothly as possible, bookings will stop the bookings from September 23rd until the end of octobre when the new setup will hopefully be available. In consequence and…
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A new widefield microscope is now available at CIF Agora. This refurbished system is based on a reliable inverted microscope body (Zeiss Axio Observer Z1) and is now equipped with two brand new cameras, one for fluorescence and one for color imaging, driven by the latest Zen software. Specifications You can find the detailed specifications…
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[30.06.2020] Update : simpler access rules [Français] Depuis le 30 juin 2020, le CIF simplifie les règles d’accès aux instruments. Vous trouverez ici les informations détaillées sur les derniers changements. Veuillez toutefois toujours vous référer aux règles en vigueur dans chaque bâtiment. [English] Since June 30, 2020, the CIF has simplified the rules for access…
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We kindly remind you a few important points about the data generated on our instruments:
Following these simple guidelines allows everyone to work in the best conditions.
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