Rue du Bugnon 9, CH-1005, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
+41 21 692 51 06 (Prof. J-Y. Chatton, Coordinator)
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All news

Information COVID-19

As reminded by the FBM Dean Prof. J-D Tissot (email of April 24, 2020, see below), UNIL is closed until June 8. Research activities will restart progressively and in a secure way, hopefully at an earlier date. The restart of platforms – like CIF- will be done under strict supervision of UNIL Direction and FBM…
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Working From Home as a CIF User

Some of you (and we as well !), while stuck at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, still need to work on their images. Or maybe you have some spare time you want to dedicate to a topic you’ve never had time to focus on before. Or you just have some practical questions you’d like…
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Learn Image Processing and Analysis at home: a list of links to online tutorials and courses from the Royal Microscopy Society

The RMS has published a huge list links to image processing , programming, analysis and other related tutorials for those of you who want to learn more on these topics: From the RMS page : Online Microscopy Talks: Connect, learn and stay up to date Host of online opportunities for those working from home or…
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CIF closed until end of April due to the Covid-19 outbreak

The CIF platform is closed until end of of April. All the bookings have been removed and blocked. The buildings are closed at every antenna and access is restricted to the minimum crew necessary to run mandatory tasks (animal facility,…). You can follow the evolution of the UNIL directives here: CIF users are NOT…
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[Bugnon] Nikon Spinning disk post CrEST V3 update

After having tested the setup since the upgrade to the CrEST V3 spinning disk module we have found some issues. Some of them have already been fixed, but others remain: Fixed The DMD module is fully functional for FRAP experiments. The Prime 95 25mm camera is now correctly calibrated. Not fixed The Cy7.5 channel is…
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[Bugnon] Zeiss LSM 900 repaired and fully functional

The Zeiss LSM 900 confocal microscope has been repaired. The scanners have been exchanged and the setup is back to its optimal state. It is available for booking starting today.

[Bugnon] Zeiss LSM 900 out of order

The system seems to have scan instabilities and cannot be used reliably. The Zeiss technician has been contacted, but there is no schedule for the repair at the moment. Subscribe to the instruments updates to be informed when there is news (right sidebar), or check the overall status at We apologize for the inconvenience.

New CrEST X-Light V3 Spinning Disk module at the Bugnon campus

The Nikon spinning disc system at the Bugnon campus has been upgraded with a brand new CrEST X-Light V3 scan head. Here are some of the major features added: Better overall spinning disk sensitivity allowing dimmer signals to be detected Illumination replaced with high power lasers for more applications New 750nm laser allowing excitation of…
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Epalinges Axiovision Upright update: shutter repaired

The shutter of the Axiovision Upright has been replaced by another one. The instrument works fine again.

Nikon NIS-Elements Workshop at the Agora with and CrEST V3

Nikon is organizing a a workshop at the Agora to show up their new AI features in the NIS-Elements software, as well as the the CrEST V3 Spinning Disc Confocal Unit. If you are interested please register directly to Nikon at