Rue du Bugnon 9, CH-1005, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
+41 21 692 51 06 (Prof. J-Y. Chatton, Coordinator)
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All news

[Bugnon] Zeiss LSM 900 out of order

The system seems to have scan instabilities and cannot be used reliably. The Zeiss technician has been contacted, but there is no schedule for the repair at the moment. Subscribe to the instruments updates to be informed when there is news (right sidebar), or check the overall status at We apologize for the inconvenience.

New CrEST X-Light V3 Spinning Disk module at the Bugnon campus

The Nikon spinning disc system at the Bugnon campus has been upgraded with a brand new CrEST X-Light V3 scan head. Here are some of the major features added: Better overall spinning disk sensitivity allowing dimmer signals to be detected Illumination replaced with high power lasers for more applications New 750nm laser allowing excitation of…
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Epalinges Axiovision Upright update: shutter repaired

The shutter of the Axiovision Upright has been replaced by another one. The instrument works fine again.

Nikon NIS-Elements Workshop at the Agora with and CrEST V3

Nikon is organizing a a workshop at the Agora to show up their new AI features in the NIS-Elements software, as well as the the CrEST V3 Spinning Disc Confocal Unit. If you are interested please register directly to Nikon at

Epalinges Axiovision update

A new fluorescence shutter is needed. It has been ordered. In the meantime, you can use the Axiovision B for fluorescence imaging.

Imaris workshop at the EPFL

Dear Users,Our colleagues of the BioImaging & Optics Platform (BIOP) and Bitplane organize a workshop day on Imaris. The aim is to introduce Imaris 9.5 and its capabilities for 3D image analysis. If you are interested feel free to contact the organizers. All info in the link below :

Epalinges > Light Sheet Microscope update

The light sheets are now well aligned. However, the lens for chromatic correction has to be exchanged. Moreover, we sometimes experience some issues at startup due to bad connection from the software with the different lasers.

PMT 2 fixed and new Argon Laser on LSM 880 Epalinges

The PMT has been replaced, and a new Argon laser has been installed. Please check your settings if you are doing quantitative analysis.

Course Reminder : Introduction to Fluorescence Imaging for the Analysis of Living Cells

This introductory course given by Jean-Yves Chatton will start on January the 7th 2020. It is an excellent starting point or refresher for anyone having to deal with imaging and microscopy in their research. You can find the complete course program on the Courses page of this website : Registration is free and can be…
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New Argon Laser on the Zeiss LSM 880 at the Epalinges campus

The Argon Laser of the Zeiss LSM 880 confocal microscope located at the Epalinges campus has been replaced. Users of this system should see a jump in signal intensity when using stored acquisition parameters on dyes excited by this laser. They should take this into consideration when comparing results. The CIF Staff