Rue du Bugnon 9, CH-1005, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
+41 21 692 51 06 (Prof. J-Y. Chatton, Coordinator)
Contact :

Obsolete rules

Flyer (Obsolete)

Flyer, now obsolete

Update 08.06.2020 (Obsolete)

COVID-19 Measures

  • Opening hours: 9:00 am – 10:00 pm, Monday through Friday.  New (08/06/2020) : The CIF is also accessible during weekends and holidays
  • Users have the responsibility to make sure they can access the respective buildings during the booked time slots and must comply with the specific sanitary rules of each building hosting the CIF facilities
  • Systems blocked in the morning until 9:00 am for disinfection
  • Assistance (remote) from 9:00am until 5:00 pm
  • The new schedule will take effect on Monday, June 8, 2020

[wp-svg-icons icon=”spam” wrap=”i”] Attention: the user still has the obligation to apply the disinfection procedure before and after each of imaging sessions, and the other access conditions detailed previously remain valid (see

Update 15.05.2020 (Obsolete)

Dear CIF users,

The CIF reopened on Wednesday 6 May 2020 according to new rules which have been designed to comply with Unil directives and ensure a sufficient level of security to CIF users and staff during these times of Covid-19.

During these past ten days of activity, we have found that users generally comply well with established security rules and that access to CIF resources takes place in good conditions. However, we received feedbacks  from users indicating that the time limitation is causing a saturation of reservations and problems for several of you.

Taking your comments into account, we will make the hours more flexible by extending the closing limitation to 10 pm. The CIF will remain inaccessible on Saturday and Sunday.

In summary:

  • Opening hours: 9:00 am – 10:00 pm, Monday through Friday
  • Users have the responsibility to make sure they can access the respective buildings during the booked time slots and must comply with the specific sanitary rules of each building hosting the CIF facilities
  • Systems blocked in the morning until 9:00 am for disinfection
  • Assistance (remote) from 9:00am until 5:00 pm
  • The new schedule will take effect on Monday, May 18, 2020

[wp-svg-icons icon=”spam” wrap=”i”] Attention: the user still has the obligation to apply the disinfection procedure before and after each of imaging sessions, and the other access conditions detailed previously remain valid (see

We hope that these extended time slots will allow you to better plan your imaging sessions at CIF.

Best regards – the CIF team.

Guidelines (Obsolete)

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, some special measures have been put in place. Mandatory hygienic recommendations are listed on the CIF COVID-19 Flyer (see above), and are visible in every CIF lab. These recommendations are to be followed to the letter, or face permanent ban from the CIF.

In order to enforce these guidelines, only ONE person is allowed in a room or a box at any time. To reflect this on the bookings, only one setup is available for booking in each identified box.

For the user this translates to these steps:


No training on instruments is possible under the current circumstances.


  • Check the map below and identify the room where the setup you want to work on is.
  • Book the only setup that is available for booking in the same room, even if it’s not the one you will use. (example : you book the confocal if it’s the only setup available in the room, even if you plan to use the stereo-microscope)
  • When booking take into account you will need extra time to clean up when coming and when leaving.
  • Come to the CIF and make sure you’re alone when entering the box.
  • Be particularly careful and avoid any contact with users leaving the room. Wait outside if needed until the previous user has finished cleaning.
  • Work on the setup you need to in the room, regardless of the one you have booked.
  • Make sure to clean up everything you have touched according to the recommendations on the flyer and leave the room on time.


Similarly to the instruments, workstations have restrictions :

  • Only one workstation is available for in person work.
  • If you require access to another workstation, you can contact Yannick Krempp to get directions on how to proceed to access the machine from a remote desktop connection. Please note that while this is possible, there’s no guarantee that everything will work as smoothly due to the great variety of software requirements and bandpass used.

Billing Q&A

Once finished, if the setup you have used was not the one that was booked, and there is a price difference (example : you have booked a confocal, but actually used a stereo-microscope), notify your local manager in order for him or her to modify the bookings and be billed accordingly.

Map of instruments rooms and availability

See the corresponding booking page to check the detailed map of availability for each antenna.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”spam” wrap=”i”] The CIF will apply strict sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the above rules.