Rue du Bugnon 9, CH-1005, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
+41 21 692 51 06 (Prof. J-Y. Chatton, Coordinator)
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Tag: reservation

CIF complete rules and guidelines (2018)

1. Access 1.1. The CIF is accessible to any research groups from the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of Hospices/CHUV or UNIL. Depending on the capacity, external institutions, including private companies, will be able to use the CIF after a discussion with the CIF coordinator about the access conditions and the timetable.1.2. Each person who…
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Booking modification or cancelling

Procedure Once a booking is placed, users cannot edit, move or delete the bookings themselves. If you need to modify a booking, please notify the respective manager for each campus: Campus Contact AGORA Luigi Bozzo ( BUGNON Luigi Bozzo ( or Yannick Krempp ( DORIGNY Arnaud Paradis ( EPALINGES Florence Morgenthaler ( In case of…
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